E-mail info@trioromance.ee Тел.: +372 5 091 270 +372 5 040 532



The trio is well known for its interpretations of old and contemporary Russian romances and Russian jazz.
Trio Romance has been awarded many prizes at international competitions and festivals: "Spring of Romance" (Saint-Petersburg, 2000), "With Love to Russia" (Volgograd, 2004), "Lahti jazz" (Finland, 2004). They won a special Revival of Russian Salon Music prize at the international Tampere TUNE festival (Finland, 2005) and an award entitled "White Night of Romantic Music" (Saint Petersburg, 2006).
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"Romance" (in Spanish romance, literally - in Roman, that is in Spanish) - is a chamber composition with music and poetry for voice accompanied by music. This was the encyclopedic definition of romance.
In some languages romance and song are appeared in one word: in German - Lied, in English - Song, in French - Lais (epic folk songs). English "romance" means epic song-ballade, poem of chivalry. Spanish "romancero" - are folk romances (in most cases heroic romances), that were specially put in complete cycle. The word "romance"appeared in Russia in the middle of 18 century. At that time the romance was defined as "poem in French", which was obligatory played with music, but as a genre of Russian vocal-poetical culture romance was named differently - Russian song.
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